Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry

Grants with Industry

STMicroelectronics CIFRE PhD Grant

Participants : Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Jingyan Jourdan-Lu, Jean-Michel Muller.

Jingyan Jourdan-Lu is supported by a CIFRE PhD grant (from March 2009 to September 2012) from STMicroelectronics (Compilation Expertise Center, Grenoble) on the theme of floating-point arithmetic code generation and specialization for embedded processors. Advisors: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Jean-Michel Muller (Arénaire), Christophe Monat (STMicroelectronics). A contract between STMicroelectronics and INRIA (duration: 36 months; amount: 36,000 euros; signature: fall 2010) aims at supporting the developments done in the context of this PhD.

Mediacom Project with STMicroelectronics

Participants : Florent de Dinechin, Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Jingyan Jourdan-Lu, Jean-Michel Muller, David Pfannholzer, Nathalie Revol.

We have been involved in Mediacom since September 1, 2009. Mediacom is a 40-month joint project with the Compiler Expertise Center (STMicroelectronics Grenoble) and INRIA project-teams Alchemy, Alf, and Compsys, and a Nano 2012 partner project. For Arénaire, it funds in particular the 3-year MEFI PhD grant of David Pfannholzer. The development this year is the generation of some elementary functions, focusing on the pre-processing (argument reduction, exception handling) and post-processing (argument reconstruction). Our long-term goal with this project is the design and implementation of a dynamic code generation tool, for numerical kernels typical of intensive mediaprocessing, and that could be integrated into production compilers.

STMicroelectronics CIFRE PhD Grant

Nicolas Brunie is supported by a CIFRE PhD grant (from 15/04/2011 to 14/04/2014) from Kalray. Its purpose is the study of a tightly-coupled reconfigurable accelerator to be embedded in the Kalray multicore processor. Advisors: Florent de Dinechin (Arénaire) and B. de Dinechin (Kalray). The support contract between Kalray and Inria amounts to 76,000 euros on three years.

Altera hardware donation

Altera donated to the team an FPGA-based acceleration card (Altera DK-DEV-4SGX530N) worth 8000 euros for the Table-Maker's Dilemma acceleration project.